Help Us Too!

Support our projects with your donation.
You will help us to build schools and to provide for education for many children.
Your contribution is an important gesture of love!


Since 2017, with a lot of commitment and a lot of persistence, Kenya School Desk has set up schools in the rural areas of Kenya, committing itself to making Kenyan children taste a form of normality that is made up of education, love, and also fun.

In just 2 years, with the support of our helpers, we have done a lot, but much remains to be done.

If you wish, you can also support the project and help us give these wonderful children a helping hand and a smile!!!


Choose the donation method that is most convenient for you and proceed by bank transfer to:


IBAN IT 06 R 0760101600 001046286470


    € 110,00 supports a child’s education, with a snack guaranteed every day, for a whole year.

    € 55,00 supports a child’s education, with a snack guaranteed every day, for half a year.

  • furnish the classroom

    € 38,00 can buy a desk with your name or the name of a person of your choice.

    € 38,00 can buy a blackboard with your name or the name of a person of your choice.


    € 14,00 buys a shirt WITH A KENYA SCHOOL DESK LOGO.

    € 10,00 buys a packet of sanitary pads.

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    6 months of school and food

  • 12 months of school and food
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    Benches and blackboards with name
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    T-shirts with logo
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    Solidarity trips
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    Solidarity craftsmanship

Every day in Kenya, new needs require our attention. There are many things to do to ensure a dignified and peaceful life for many children and young people.
Every day, Kenya School Desk is faced with important choices, with the task of creating and implementing feasible projects. However, everyone needs help. Discover the many new projects that you can help with too!

Natale Solidale con Kenya School Desk: un regalo che fa la differenza!

Un dolce gesto per un futuro migliore Quest’anno, Kenya School Desk ti invita a celebrare il Natale in modo davvero speciale! Abbiamo preparato per te una ricca gamma di prodotti unici, realizzati con le coloratissime stoffe del Kenya e con l’artigianato locale. Panettoni solidali e molto altro Al centro della nostra proposta natalizia ci sono […]

Sesto Viaggio Solidale: Costruiamo il futuro insieme ai bambini kenyoti

Preparati a vivere un’esperienza indimenticabile! Dal 20 febbraio al 2 marzo 2025, kenyaschooldesk.org ti invita a partecipare al sesto viaggio solidale in Kenya. Nove giorni immersi nella cultura e nella bellezza di questo straordinario paese, con l’opportunità di contribuire attivamente alla costruzione di un futuro migliore per i bambini kenyoti. Un viaggio che fa la […]

Un Raduno di Cuori per il Kenya

Il sesto Raduno di Kenya School Desk è stato un successo oltre ogni aspettativa! Un evento che ha riunito persone di cuore, unite dalla passione per un progetto straordinario: offrire un futuro migliore ai bambini del Kenya. Un ringraziamento speciale Vorremmo esprimere la nostra più sincera gratitudine a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questo […]